Cinderella, Kerri

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Исидор попросил меня сделать эту шутку, Он хотел посмотреть, как они здесь отреагируют. :rofl:

Вы хоть предупреждайте😅 а то я сама уже начала переживать


Is Javitto21 a secret Identity for Isidor? Because that is what his profile picture tells me, He wouldn’t be the first to post under an alternate identity.

Definitely not :joy:

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No, I’ve been here since before Isidor. I’ve been here since 2019. But I’m also Isidor number 1 fan. :grin:


Besides being breathtaking beautiful, Cinderella does the cooking and keeps the apartment very clean.

A real dream woman :heart:


This was my second thought, If you weren’t him , then you love him so much that you wish you could be!


That’s right, we all have a favorite here. :blush:

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Splendid…let’s keep it that way! :laughing:

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not saying she is but women have been known to lie for the reason of even just not to let it out as they feel its for them to decide who they will let in there. secondly poo doesnt leave the same characteristicx as a good cock fuckin lol.

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Isn’t that the girl that was at Inga few days ago?

Your response got me thinking. I should like to see Isidor doing anal on Cinderella for the second part of their sex, not just for prurience as you might expect, but rather because isidor has little interest in using condoms with Cinderella. We saw what happened with Kevin and Karina who relied on withdrawal, which is only 80% effective. It would be devastating for Cinderella to fall pregnant with someone she has only known for a month who has no proper job, especially in the Federation which has little welfare. She would lose and we would lose. This could all be avoided for a little discomfort. Up to Cinderella of course. Just my opinion.

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I honestly don’t remember… :thinking:

I am on the phone, so not great viewing conditions, but i am quite positive it is the same girl.

as I told you I don’t remember however I trust what you say… :+1:

Wow, that’s a great story… :joy:

If you are really as concerned about Cinderella getting pregnant as you say you are there is another option besides Isidor fucking Cinderella in the ass that is very effective. She could take birth control. It sounds like you really want to see anal with Cinderella, but you are too ashamed to admit it… :unamused:

It could be the plot for a new movie… :joy:

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