Cinderella, Kerri

Tbf Isidor doesn’t have many clothes to change most of the time.

Selfishly I was really hoping Queen would lend Isidor a pair of clothes to change into, if you know what I mean. :smirk: :wink:

He’s probably trying to get some of that backdoor action you were hoping to see. However most likely he is playing up the love story card. He’s pretty good at it when he wants to be, no?

Free cameras are back to 2 and 3.

Dear @Cinderella,

Would you guys consider changing the cams in the living room. The set up in their current arrangement are some of the worst currently on VHTV. They have been a complaint since Flora opened the realm. She said she would consider changing them, but she never did.

I think adding a cam on top of the tv in the living room would be perfect. You could take one of the cams from the kitchen if you wanted to. I don’t think anyone would miss having one less kitchen cam as you already have three.

Flora considered it , and said NO!

I am all most positive she just ignored our requests after she initially said yes to changing the living room cams, but never actually gave a definitive no. @Lukas156546 I believe knows the answer as to what she said. Lukas would you help us please?

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a bunch of guys don’t believe anything i say in here, so why should i tell how it was? who wants to know what she said can read it back in the first part of this tread :zipper_mouth_face:

It never occurs to Isidor to put the Roses into a vase of water.


Didn’t she say it wouldn’t make sense to make changes ,because she was planning to leave this apartment anyway, which led us to questioning, if she was relocating or leaving the project?

You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. :cry: However, I believe you and would really like to know the answer. I know you know the answer, so as a friend I was hoping you could help me out. It would save me a lot of time and effort. As I am sure you are very aware the thread is stuffed full of spam postings of giant picture collages amongst other things.

So as a friend would you help me out pretty, pretty please with all the cherries on top. I am begging you kind sir!

:pleading_face: :sob: :sob:

Miss You Love GIF by Molang

I just want to be able to see the sweet Isidor & handsome Cinderella better…

ok, no problem, i give you the link to what she said…

so not me to blame that she gave her word and did not do it…

Isidor told me that they will add one camera on living room. Waiting for it.

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Damn I never realized how big Isidors noggin is!

Thank you boo boo! :kissing_heart:

You are aware Cinderella is equally capable of putting the flowers in a vase, right?? Why put all the blame on poor sweet Isidor?

Nice feet job @Cinderella :heart_eyes:

And blowjob :yum:


Excellent images javitto.

Genitive of priest is written the same as butt :crazy_face:




I’m starting to think his tattoos are like some sort of puzzle, and each one offers a clue. If you solve the puzzle there’s treasure to be found. Study them there knees, lads. Avast ye scurvy knaves! :skull_and_crossbones: :x: