Chuck & Chloe

Oh no. They were my favourite part of this site, I hope wherever they are they are doing well.


Not a pad bum in sight. Come back Chloe, all is forgiven.

What is a pad bum?

Not 100% sure, but i believe that this might be the answer :


It was not bad at all for few years. I got a plenty of “pad bummed” (as you say) archived pics :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are looking for girls using pads just wait for it :slight_smile: What about Medea? Queen? Flora? Amelie? Rosa? Nikki?

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gets aroused by seeing girls with tampons tell me if I understand correctly?..

Well, I loved watching Chloe in 2022 and I think it was the beginning of 2023 with her mopping the floor and cleaning up in just her top and white panties with that lovely maxi pad with wings bulging out of her pad bum and pad puss. I wish she was my girlfriend. I would love to lay on the sofa and watch her clean the house with that pad bum and pad puss bulging out but she doesn’t care because it’s only natural to her. I was watching Realm39 on Wednesday and I figured she was on but next day, Realm 39 would not load. I can’t believe xoxxxoo how many photos there are on here. Lovely pad bums including Chloe. Maybe could branch out and become and only girls wearing pads are allowed to be online?

Hi Erin146722. That’'s great. Can you send me a link to your archived pics of Chloe pad bummed please?

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Hi. I took some videos of Chloe in 2022 with my phone and transferred them to a USB stick but the stick developed a fault and now they may be gone forever unless I can recover them. Does anyone have any videos of Chloe on her period?

no, it isn’t. i just tried to watch a chuck & chloe clip. Big banner says Get Access. nope it’s locked up tight.

You may want to post this on the Migration thread as bugs due to the migration are being monitored, or contact VHTV support for their assistance. I have also just tried to watch a chuck&chloe clip with no problems at all.

Are you a premium subscriber?

If not, it won’t work.

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…Because if you are, it definitely does. I just clicked on one of their videos specifically and it worked for me.


I think I would be lost if these videos ever stopped working hahaha :sweat_smile:

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I will admit, I do still miss Chuck. :cry:


how easy it is to say “Free” with tongue in cheek. As in “at Joy-More Motors you get a free motor, just buy any Jalopy on the lot” up to 3 (three) wheels included. So it is not Free.

Sorry but what does your comment have to do with mine about missing Chuck?! :confused: