
her and connor were arguing all night

conor is nothing but a _____ once i saw him _____ing i knew sooner or later he was going to do something flora was smart to remove him.

you can see on his face he was not happy as soon as he showed up and they ended up arguing all night while she was trying to have fun and she didn’t want to leave either

wynona is back but they all need to stop _____ing so much including conor he was spilling it all over the floor.

they _____ almost everyone of those bottles and kept opening them.

maybe its a problem that’s developed since he left the project because he showed up at kelys place _____ over a month ago too

nah I’ve seen him _____ alot on camera too.

most of them can’t control it and they constantly go buy more its a theme.

drama gets views won’t be the first nor the last they will milk this out.

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that is a sad but true comment.

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Trust ME to have missed it when it was actually happening! :roll_eyes: :unamused:

Lovely to see Connor and Ken again though. :slight_smile:

Awwww to be young again!!!

I often think that too :laughing:

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So the fountain of youth failed you then it was all lies :rofl::rofl:

someone forgot to tell him to _____ from it and not piss in it

Thanks I’m scalded off my coffee :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Not at all but then others may see me in a different light :laughing:

Must admit i nearly fucking c___ed then :laughing:

Tanto so che non è lui Ceres, ma avrei preferito di più se questo appartamento fosse il suo e non di Inga…

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That’s exactly Ceres and he is the listed participant in this apartment