
she saw he had sex with two women she is back not to lose her place on the couch she even left her friend behind :joy:



Wynona is back :hot_face:


Wynona und Ceres haben die Kleidung von Inga in TĂźten eingepackt und abtransportiert

sacs a l’entree ils vont pas rester la …

Komisch, er kommt mit den Taschen zurĂźck, und macht sich einen Kaffee? und geht in die Loggia



wynona is the girlfriend type if ceres wants to play the field then stay away from girls like this wynona will join this apartment then make it hers :joy:

i believe she has an agenda :joy:

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She was double checking earlier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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he should go for it and she her reaction :smirk: :joy:

he just happens to have sex with two women then wynona shows up without her friend but when she slept on the couch for 2 days she gave him nothing :joy:

don’t take the bait ceres your better off solo :man_shrugging:

She is quite touchy touchy tonight :laughing:

She might go for the k__l ?

Wait a minute. There’s 2 cats. Who’s cat’s are they?

probably wynona’s :joy:

Doesn’t looks like that. Ceres went out and brought them in…

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then maybe inga’s some woman keeps calling him :thinking:

Yes, was Alma, she just brought her stuff (i believe)

Oh ok. So they are Alma’s then.

I will say so.

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who is alma?

The girl from last night