
According to this we have seen her before. Remember this ass it says.

He says new guest there… :thinking:

It says remember this ass.

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I believe that’s just to highlight that her ass is one to remember

Oh well that is the end of that. At least Ceres is acting the gentleman and seeing her home. Good on you Ceres!:+1:

Put it like this I will never forget it now.:rofl:

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she left her handbag so she is probably coming back. Maybe a booze run…

I think so, too, although I think as a_____l the girl has had enough already…

Good girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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:star_struck: toch geluk voor Ceres

Well she seemed to enjoy that alright, I bet she will come back for seconds later!:crazy_face:

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She is all smile now :laughing:


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@Daleys If you save the moment, i propose the name Alma for her. It’s free

Here are pics as well, if i can get more i will let you know



So what …he’s young and having fun. With his looks he can find many girls

I’m heading to bed so the other will probably save it. :+1:

He’s definitely a ladies man

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All of these girls are glaciers compared to the beautiful Inga. :cold_face: :snowman: :ice_cube:


:sob: :sob: :sob: