Bathroom cams

That is a bit childish. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue:. VHTV is not silly and know about that cams already…


I can, but you know that changes nothings cause the edits will be there, right?? :grin:


Talking about the subject i have no intention of even watching them doing their things in the toilet, totally understand why that may be an issue for tenants and why they add the black squares or doesn’t add cams that will serve exclusively to show them in the toilet. Even with some married couples that is an issue and they can’t “share” when doing their private moments

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Fully agree to that :+1:

I’d rather the cams not see the toilet if it means black boxes. I always hated those things. But then again I think no cam should be able to see another cam either. But I don’t pay so it’s just my 0 cents.

That’s how it is at RLC. No cam are able to see another cam. It does give you a more voyeur feeling, and everything just looks alot more proffessionally done in general. But there are examples where we have ended up with pretty bad angles because of this strickt rule too. A compromise is fine, I think.

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@VHTV_CEO and @VHTV any update on this. No response was made to this yet.

We don’t plan on adding toilet cameras in recent future. The black boxes will stay as the only measure if the bathroom space is to narrow and it gets into camera’s view.

If you believe any camera in the given bathroom/toilet space may be positioned in a better way to show everything except the toilet, please let us know via Support or you can raise our attention here in forum via some general topic for cameras angles.

If you find somebody breaking the rules of the project, or you suspect someone in hiding or doing illegal stuff, please contact our Support ASAP.

You can always mention @team next time to bring attention of those Staff members, who may communicate from VHTV’s behalf.

Kindly asking not to use this mention every time, unless really necessary.


Why are topics constantly been locked you said this is a forum and everything is open to discussion yet topics are been locked what’s the point.

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I tend to agree. Don’t think this should be a good practice.

We may consider closing topics in other forum sections like Feedback categories, in case the topic is closed when the feedback’s issue is either resolved or rejected.

Please go on with the discussion. You are right, it’s a forum.

Montana is a great example of how restrooms could and should be covered. The angle gives pretty much a good view of the whole room, yet nothing explicite is shown.

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We will forward this to our tech team for review, thanks.


Totally agree with these comments surely everything should be included. If people don’t want to see the toilets they don’t have to watch.


I don’t normally read these random topics, just the apt topics, but I thought I’d try a few today.

  • I’m not disagreeing with you, but the pee toilets are the same as the shit toilets, so how do you fix that? Maybe the girls could pee in the bathtub, standing up, of course. Then we could see what’s happening.

  • If anyone is interested, RLC has cameras showing toilets completely. Well, they have at least one that I’ve seen a video of, but I’m sure there are more. I just don’t have a sub, so I can’t see the bathrooms.

  • Maybe we could open a topic for girls peeing. Not just VHTV girls, but random girls peeing indoors and out.

Understood. I get it now after reading this mention of black box on purpose… Good to know

Wow! For a minute there, I thought we were going back to the “dark” ages (get it? black boxes) :crazy_face: Just wondering why you are responding now to an ancient post :thinking:

Why not ask the participants if they are ok with the toilet being in view.From what i have seen so far is that some participants{male and female} don’t seem to care.Once again if you don’t want to see then don’t look,easy.

Good question. I am new to the site, and as such, I have access only to General discussion area… This came up and smile response albeit appearing late :wink: