
Sexy as hell (literally, cause like the devil horns…)


@Barbara why are you making poor Diu do all of the work? Bobo is still waiting on his birthday present from you. :smirk: :smiling_imp: :sweat_drops:




Hey @David how about two for the price of one :rofl:


Yes, I must admit, I have been keeping an eye on them. Particularly the young man with his hair tied back. I remember him from a while back, in fact.

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Should have guessed really lol but was just flicking around and for some unknown reason thought of you :laughing:

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You know me too well, my friend! :hugs:

I still appreciate our interactions by the way. :slight_smile:

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That’s not quite true it came up as soon as i logged in :rofl:

Is there something you would like to tell me?!

I am sorry, I couldn’t resist that one. :laughing:

I am begining to wonder myself TBH lol but i don’t think so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

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Anyway, thank you for letting me know about those guys, in your original message.

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Enough said really. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi pal, the second word is “off” :laughing:


Well I’m hoping with your previous comments that the first word isn’t jack. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You can be so crude sometimes, unlike myself :laughing:

I expect my pal David is here but he is keeping unusually quiet :laughing:

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I have literally only JUST come back here (your comment is stated as having been made 1 minute ago, at the time of me seeing yours and writing the majority of mine). :slight_smile:

Oh suggest you look back on the timeline then,not long ago :laughing: