
tra l’altro non sei neppure capace di scriveree in un italiano corretto e comprensibile

I do sometimes wonder if Sheldon, Kristian and Hudson are in fact the same person?

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See Gollom I don’t understand a thing. Like many others I follow VHTV, there are rooms I like, others I like less and others I don’t like. I have never allowed myself to criticize or try to impose my thoughts on the occupants of the room. If I don’t like what I see, I turn around, change rooms and leave. For months, this individual has continued to criticize what he sees, Ariela’s behavior, even if he were her husband, among other things threatening that he would stop contributing money… but who is f_____g him to stay? if you don’t like what you see, go away, you’ve really smashed your testicles, but no, every now and then you come back to being a moralist, what’s your title? uhhh!!!

I’m not anyone’s copy and since I don’t write anymore, don’t mention me thanks

:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe I wasn’t clear … leave me alone

Unless there is something you are not sharing then that account hasn’t written on here for over a month

Ariela brushing her beautiful hair :heart_eyes:


Now the hair is growing back and you are now more natural, Ariella please do not shave it off :heart:




welcome back beauties. you look good and relaxed :heart:

maybe a little holiday depression. when you come back to everyday life after a nice holiday

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you’re right an absolute feast for the eyes. but they are swingers

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we missed this sight for a long time

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That sunshine coming in on Ariela her body looks :star_struck:


Fair comment and I apologise

Da sind die Klamotten wieder. :grinning:
Wenn ich an das letzte Bild von vor dem Urlaub denke. :sunglasses:


Much worse is that he criticizes things that he does NOT see and that he believes are taking place. And around these fantasies he builds his own story, which he then believes he can prove with pictures he sees online.

And he’s been doing this for months…