
Many wishes for speedy return to one of the most beautiful participating Young Ladies

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Well at least she is interacting with someone and everything is ok

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Hello Hudson,

I cannot speak for the others but when I comment about you it is NOT an attack, it is an attempt to make you understand that not everyone see sexuality the way you do, and that the best way to get along is NOT TO JUDGE OTHERS as long as they are consenting adults.

I say this because I myself am bisexual now married to a wonderful gay man and I have had to endure countless people (sometimes well intentionned accordign to them, what a joke) judge my own sexuality and marriage and to be blunt it is really phenomenally aggravating after a while, so I know from first hand experience what it’s like to be in the receiving end of conservative morality.

So here you are on a voyeur site (something many narrow minded people would judge you and all of us as “perverts” for by the way) the point is to enjoy, if you don’t then just abstain from commenting, it’s really not very hard, for example there are countless apartments where I find some of the participants unappealing physically and that kind of ruins the show for me but I would NEVER state so because I think it would be horrendously offensive to do so, so I limit my comments to positive ones unless there’s actual a___e occurring

Just live and let live.


You never know this could be the changing of the guard??

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 but sometimes her answers come at a similar time rhythm like her presence at home :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes i think we have all noticed that she is laid back one minute or rushing round like a demented chicken the next.


How do you diagnose dementia in a chicken?


If you want to be funny, then yes. Most people would probably laugh and think that you overslept or are zoned out. :slightly_smiling_face: “Good morning” or simply “morning” is usually said until 11:30 at the latest. As Jabbath wrote, there are perhaps regional exceptions. But I don’t know anyone who does that seriously.

ElhĂșzott vĂ©gre , hĂłnapok Ăłta nem nĂ©ztem .PornĂł ipar jobban fizet ?

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Go to Hamburg. They always say “Moin” :rofl::rofl:


Lighthouse Ostsee GIF by


That doesn’t sound right without any reason
Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 13-34-36 Voyeur House TV đŸ”„ – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams


Ella se fue con una mochila cargada de ropa, cosa que dijimos por aquĂ­. Probablemente se fue de mini-vacaciones o saliĂł por trabajo, algo bastante habitual en este Ășltimo tiempo.
Además, ella habló con JonR. No creo que haya nada raro detrás de esto

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She told JonR what would happen in the morning, without specifying what day it was.



at the end she wrote ‘the apartment will remain offline for the time being’ 
 I interpreted that as meaning that the apartment will remain offline until she is back home
 but it can also be interpreted as ‘offline for a longer period of time’ 
 maybe I had accepted the more optimistic interpretation

I don’t know anything about a “changing of the guard”. I’m relatively sure that I would know about it, or would have the information sooner than the majority


i assume that is new guy? :thinking:


It’s like I’m seeing him for the first time

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Pasta and cakes in front of the TV! :thinking: :hugs:


Can’t say he seems familiar! :face_with_monocle: :thinking:


Ă©l no me parece familiar, pero las manitos movedizas, sĂ­ jajajaja

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