
:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:

:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:
Amazing Ariela


I have an idea and wanted to know what you think about it:
Tomorrow is her birthday, but as you know she ignores the forum because of certain individuals and their absurd fantasies.

And we could/had to see how disappointed she was yesterday that her friends had let her down.
I know that she likes flowers, and she mentioned in an aside that she got her favorite flowers from Sebastian… and that can actually only mean the bouquet of tulips from the day before yesterday.

What do you think if we forgo the usually gifs with cakes or fireworks tomorrow and prepare a sea of flowers for her here? many, but not only, tulips (in case I’m wrong)…

and in return I try to persuade her to stop by the forum for one day?
(although there is no guarantee that it will work. Maybe she isn’t even at home, or at least not alone)

Does that sound like a deal?


Let’s do it!

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A ver, por si entendí bien: la idea es postear bonitos arreglos florales o cosas relacionadas con flores como modo se hacerle llegar nuestro cariño en su dia especial? Si es así, me apunto.
Algún texto en particular para poner o solo la publicacion floral?

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understood correctly

no. what you write is your business. I’m just suggesting the type of pictures. But after yesterday’s experience, I probably wouldn’t mention Will if i were you (sorry Amber)

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A nice idea of ​​yours that I support. :+1:

It would be good if neither of us wrote anything on each other’s posts so as not to spark a discussion. Likewise when users who do not participate post their fantasy stories. Don’t respond to it, don’t answer it. Simply ignore!!
It would be great if everyone just posted pictures of flowers, perhaps with congratulations to Ariela.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you can convince her to take a look at the forum tomorrow. :pray:


That sounds like a great idea good luck :+1:


Solo para aclarar, en mi caso, cuando preguntaba de escribirle algo, eran palabras de buenos deseos. Cosas genéricas o bien, unas palabras cariñosas y ya. Pero entiendo que hay un límite muy delgado entre las palabras bonitas y las que no pueden serlo, y que es mejor “estandarizar” el mensaje y solo postear imágenes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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JonR wrote to you that the text is your own thing.
It should just be as general as possible so that it doesn’t give other users any reason to respond to it. Ok, and of course mentioning Will wouldn’t be a good idea… :wink:

But if you’re unsure, just post flower pictures. Then you can’t go wrong. :hugs:


I Do What I Want GIF by hero0fwar

Sad Happy Birthday GIF by Instacart

I Can Cry If I Want To Full House GIF

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Sebastian :birthday: :tada: :partying_face:

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1 day too early…
…but no surprise in terms of content, that’s pretty much what I expected from you

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Have you heard of time zones? Some people’s tomorrow are other people’s today. Don’t be so salty my friend. :wink:

for you… i like being salty. I would feel more uncomfortable if you suddenly found me sweet.

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My wish is that Ariela would again find Sebastian sweet… :cry:

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Do you think I need to ban their account until tomorrow so people don’t try to ruin that? :sunglasses:

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So you are going to ban a long term account because of “bad vibes”?

I don’t think it is a “their” account anymore… If you look at all the emoji reactions recently given it shows strong indications it is now a Sebastian only account.

However, I am not nearly as smart and beautiful as you so I could very well be wrong. :grimacing:


God can you stop with your ban drama for a moment? I’m talking about ARIELA’S ACCOUNT

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I think instead of bans we should be giving out hugs!

Season 9 Hug GIF by The Office