
whoa slow down your turning me on , :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

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Agree but there is a small group who speak to each other and tend to gang up on people you know the names

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Ariela & ? ( parti 3 )

Ariela should peg Will. I think if you’re going to dish it out you should have the decency to learn how to take it too. Only fair.
douching jonathan groff GIF


lets admit, Sebastian had a good pipe. Ariela will miss that alot


This c___d brings up a few questions for us newbies.

Since Seb’s c___d is not Ariela’s
 Whose is it? :man_shrugging:

Was it conceived before Seb was with Ariela?

And is the c___d the issue of why they are no longer together emotionally. I don’t mean physically
 I know that the biological m____r is not able to care for the c___d therefore he has to physically do that.

Voyeuristic minds want to know?

@ Sofia163522 Sorry das was du Fragst geht dich und uns nichts an, sondern nur Sebastian.

Why is Ariela s___ping at the kitchen table :thinking:

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She fell as___p while reading her cell phone. Then she woke up and went back to s___p at the table

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Bestimmt weil sie zu sehr Erschöpft ist. :grinning:

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You don’t decide what questions can be asked.

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Stimmt, war auch nur meine Meinung zu der Frage.

In the meantime, Will is on the couch. One thing’s for sure. She’ll wake up feeling worse if she stays hunched over like that for too long.

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Da gebe ich dir Recht, solch Haltung mag ein Menschlicher RĂŒcken nicht so sehr und erst recht nicht auf lĂ€ngere Zeit.

Will will have to massage him

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Did you say something Kirk?

:two_hearts: This is it the right way to build a healthy relationship by doing things together, communication, s___ping together, take care the Realm together, cook together & of course sex with mind, soul & body :two_hearts:
the participants are open minded by doing occasionally parties with the right entertainment performance they can have one of the best Realms


Sebastian was married and had his d______r but both Sebastian and Ariella were in abusive relationships before they met. Maybe that explains their time together.

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Ariella, hope everything is ok, i saw that you have plasters on your neck.

Did Ariela or Sebastian tell you this, or is your claim just a product of your imagination? :thinking: