
Maybe you can help me out: how many people treat Will as toxic? I see that he treats her well and when he looks at her…wow…he’s flammable.
Sometimes he seems kind of c___dish, but I think it’s more out of carelessness than malice.

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It is possible that he is how you describe him. My opinion is
since I’ve seen him with other women I think he’s not the type to stay with one woman… like you said he’s still young the future will tell…
after all this is VHTV I see it more like a Love Game


Thanks for the explanation <3 Hopefully he ends up hooking up with her and the rest is just fun and a part agreement. I particularly see potential in them.
In fact, if I didn’t see wrong, the only guy she’s been s___ping with for weeks is him, no?

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Right… personally i think Ariela is in love with him for Will im not sure yet…

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I think the other way around: that he is head over heels in love but she is conflicted about her marital situation.
But as always, pure speculation, since no one knows how to translate a single one of their dialogues to know with any more certainty.


OMG I Think Seb is in the apartment


Looks like he’s getting his stuff

Even if it is short. Still nice to see Seb healthy. All the best for the future. Time will tell what will happen. :heart: :hugs:


What I saw was that he had everything assemb__d; sealed. An already sealed bag that was on the balcony. And tools.


well that looks like seb is gone. let the games begin

The Valentine’s Day plot twist I didn’t see coming.

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Well, all the questions we had about Sebastian have been answered, he’s gone. The question now is how Ariela will react to all this. Will Will come and live with her? A new chapter in the novel begins lol.Happy Valentine’s Day Ariela.

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:two_hearts: :two_hearts:
Good Bye Sebastian Take care Your Self !!


Ganz sicher nicht! DU bist nur ein Zuschauer, vergiss das nicht!

aprés 30 ans être sur un site de voyeurisme ça fait tache.

@ [Rocky179867] Einbildung ist auch (K)eine Bildung

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Will ya lleva su propia llave del apartamento


I thought the same thing: that he went in alone. Or, she may have given him her key and come later.


Never once for got it. However, spectators are ALLOWED to comment on the show they are watching!

Where do you think they got the idea for goggle box?