
Good morning :heart:

Unfortunately, currently Sebastian can’t take part in the project on a full-time basis as he needs to take care of his d______r. I removed him from apartment name


Maybe better that his name is removed so we can move on too instead of keep talking about the two. I wish Sebastian the best with his d______r and hopefully a new love in his life.


Didn’t want to react with the facepalm emoji because it’s annoying and such but Ariela, not Alleria bro. :grinning:


Thanks just woke up !!
:two_hearts: :two_hearts: Happy Valentine’s Day :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

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No worries, something like that was bound to and I’m sure is still going to happen :sweat_smile:

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Willi serait -il un grand sportif… ce qui explique ses fréquentes absences. Peut-être les jeux olympiques cette année ?

Best wishes to Seb, I hope for the best with his family :pray:


Maybe the apartment should be renamed Ariela & Will since he has been fucking her the most over the last few month?

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Why do you get involved in things that don’t concern you…
Have you gotten tired of insulting Derek?

btw. Ariel is a detergent…not a resident

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You said she’s a detergent you mean like bleach or something???

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Of coarse it concerns me. Ariela is part of VHTV project. What she does in her realm concerns all of us.

Well you got me there. I had know idea Ariel was :soap:.

I mean it would be nice if Ariela bleached her asshole for us! I’m sure Will would appreciate it too the next time he tries to fuck it!

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It can be right indeed, but it also relies on assumptions regarding Ariela’s nocturnal activities…
That’s the reason why everyone here should talk about what we see, nothing else… and we never saw the d______r. :wink:

Certainly not you, but … I’ll leave it to your imagination as to how the sentence continues

But precisely ! I try not to have any imagination so as not to fantasize about possible events or people. Like Saint Thomas “I only believe what I see”?

Well one thing is for sure. Ariela’s pussy is going to be well taken care in Seb’s absence.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: :+1:

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Just take her existence for granted, even if you will never see her. And don’t always formulate your sentences as if you can only believe what you see :grin: Even if you don’t mean it that way, you’ll provoke misunderstandings with your statements

Pretty sure people saw pictures of her on Seb’s laptop. Sooooo… :man_shrugging:t2: