




I can totally understand her attitude of no longer being in the forum. And I wouldn’t have thought that Ariela would send any messages to this forum at all.
Please give her my warmest regards and a thousand kisses from me in return. I will still remain her fan. No matter what she does. :kissing: :heart: :hugs:


You can also take a position but you also need to understand why certain things happen. Maybe Ariela still needs to grow up a little and understand that we are personally responsible for our actions. Choosing to share such a life on the edge to earn money is not easy to understand for those who follow it. It is from here that it can happen that the limit is crossed in judging something that in any case should not be done and is not justifiable. With this thought, however, I do not excuse those who lack respect. I hope with my own personal thought that she will soon make life choices in which she exposes herself less and begins to have more respect for herself and is less an object of interest to anyone who has the chance to meet her.

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It’s her way… if she feels comfortable with it, that’s how it is. If we all saw it that way it would be much more peaceful here.

And just to say this clearly: I’m not defending her, I also don’t understand some of what she does (and even though I could ask about it, I don’t do it because it would satisfy my curiosity, but it’s still none of my business). But I regularly try to spread the message in the first paragraph of this message. because: that’s what matters! no more and no less.

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Wie kann man drei Stunden in der Wanne verbringen? aber schön anzusehen!


Someone asked me for the actual wording of Ariela’s message, which I had previously only forwarded in the meaning:

Я туда больше не захожу. И не буду. Там грубияны.
Пусть скажут “спасибо” дуракам, которые меня обижали на форуме - я больше там не появлюсь)

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Fertig dachte ich! aber jetzt kommen

die richtigen Spielzeuge zum Einsatz.


Hey Kade, this video is absolutely great !! Thank you !!

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What a queen :+1:

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Since Sebastian had to leave i have noticed that Ariella has not been to happy on her own so i think it might be time to get a flatmate but please choose wisely. Another young lady would be nice givern your preferances.

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Like I have posted before, constant criticism and unfounded opinions that teter on the edge of offence gradually wears a person away. I thought you had realised this a number of times when you said you’d not comment any more , but sadly it resumed very soon afterwards. Not just you - a number of members really did seem to have it in for her. Listening Sheldon?
“As you sow, so shall you reap”

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I don’t think I have offended anyone and I think you are confusing me with another person who has the same image as me
I want to point out that I would never allow myself to offend her because I have no reason to do so. However, I don’t know what bothered you so much to write this way.

Ich glaube so sauber habe

ich die Wohnung noch nicht gesehen.


big clean up the Queen must be coming to visit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Surprisingly Ariella has kept it nice and tidy for a while now.


great cleaning before a departure on holiday or the arrival of a visitor?

Peut-être qu’il est temps de ranger le sapin de Noël ?