
I didn’t understand what you meant. Are you saying they are waiting for the end date of their contracts?
Are you saying the house will close? If it is annual, it closes in February. Because it opened in February.

True they have a contract, but if memory serves, they are free to leave at any time. VHTV doesn’t hold anyone against their will.

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No, what I mean is that there are a whole bunch of claims in the contract. The question is whether any of the claims establishes/mainteine such a status quo in the realm.

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According tò them they joined to be part of an extension to their lifestyle, i believe that the flat is privately rented and is not part of VHs estate or run by a manager as for a contract i would thi k VH would be beging them to stay with the nubers that are leaving.

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Dunno, I am not aware of their contractual status.


Ariella, have you had your ears pieced?


Most Realms are managed and coordinated directly or indirectly by Managers
VHTV simply broadcasts the signal from the Realms and according of the Viewers VHTV pays the Participants who in their turn pay the managers & according to the agreement that they have… participants pay a percentage and of course the rents, If the Realm is not rented by the Participants.
Now for the Managers, most of them are also participate as participants of the Project. The problem is that now it’s not like before, they don’t make enough profits so they try to chat on other sites or work and they also have Realm and with the money they earn they pay the rent and the managers. Some they make it out some not… so they leave the Project

Thank you…

I understand everything. But they need to make money. I don’t think behavioral changes have anything to do with these reasons.



I think the participants if they don’t make it enough profits like before by partying or bringing people in the Realm as it used to do they have to do things outside the Realm and of course it affects how they behave and how we see them acting differently than before…

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Anybody know just what Sheldon174313 has against them? He/she rarely comments anymore (thank goodness) but uses :-1: probably way more than anybody else - even on the post from Nat36369 which was simply a picture of Ariela on the phone! Anytime there is something remotely negative (and goodness knows there are a few people also fixated on here) the :-1: appears

Maybe he/she/they has such an empty and unfullfilling life that he/she fixates hatred on Ariela & Sebastian? Who knows, but IMHO it’s about time it was called out…


I didn’t mention his behavior towards us. I mentioned Ariela’s behavior towards Sebastian. But if nothing happens at home, no one can watch them, no one who have a premium member like me, and no coins will be sent. the problem is like something else

For that You have to ask them or VHTV we can’t know at least personally I think we should let them figure it out for themselves


Like you Gollom I can’t understand why members use the :-1: emoji for no apparent reason without explaining their displeasure for their actions at all.