
What contradiction and what sectarianism in these words!
Contradiction because when you write “the same right also gives us permission to contradict you” and later in the same sentence “the right to one’s opinion does not include the obligation to write it, but it includes the right to be silent”, aren’t this words in opposition and isn’t this the perfect example of sectarianism which wants to deny others the right to express their opinion if it does not conform to their own.

Just as contradicting with a supported argument is a constructive approach which opens the discussion, just as “suggesting” to remain silent is a despotic approach based on no other argument than the disapproval of words, that is to say on nothing!

This reminds me of the approach of the authoritarian husband whom his wife has just upset and who has no other response - in the best case scenario - than “shut up” or even worse uses violence to silence her, which does not its author grow up.