Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

An opinion and an insinuation are two very different things.

I sometimes have the impression that some people here look out of the mirrorverse and see something completely different from the majority…

It looks like they both have gone to finish the job away from home judging by the bag she packed doubt we’ll see her until tomorrow

Yea, ariela always fuck guys away from the camera, further proving her undying love for seb


No, they are going to play games like dungeons and dragons type. She made sure she had all of the parts to the game in the box. I saw that evidence, you just have vituperative speculation. You use the word “proving” when you have absolutely no proof whatsoever. That “proves” you are just here to make hurtful and even evil attributions.


if conrad is doing that much touching in front of the cameras we that a brain knows what going on.
ariela took blankets and towels.

And games and earphones and charger cables. The game takes more than 2 players. Maybe staying overnight. Supplying her own towel? I don’t know why you think they wouldn’t fuck when Seb was not there if they were going to.

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A comment from you to me wasn’t necessary because i care nothing about you or anything you have to say. You’re a nobody. Bye

Funny because most here care nothing about you or anything you have to say yet you find it necessary to post. If you don’t like being replied to, then you may have misunderstood how forums work.

I’m surprised the way the night went, she packed up and left with him. huh

ah sep packed too…looks like they may meet somewhere. maybe the new couples place. hopeful

just want to say thank you A&S, for 16 hours of pure bliss, we had everything, guest guy did his failed party games in the kitchen ( marvin the magician got nothing to worry about) , ariela gave us a master classed in cooking a meal, and spring cleaning (even so that it still winter) a movie in the living room with guest guy doing touchy touchy with ariela before falling as___p, bit of sex in the bedroom (which was alright between husband and wife) a shower scene in the bathroom with guest guy (i still prefer psycho), semi naked ariela teasing guest guy in bedroom when seb left for work, she should have taken all clothes off maybe something might have happened then, both leaving with bags packed. shame really cos guest guy didn’t even get a kiss or massage, unlike the other guest guys


maybe they went to have fun with a couple or friends who didn’t want to be seen on cam…no problem I’m happy for them and wish them a good time… :+1:

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fucking sounds like a movie plot but why do you bother so much if you don’t like how ariela behaves change apartment…

I sometimes have the impression that he projects his fantasies onto her and is then disappointed that she doesn’t behave the way he would like

also in my opinion–they would like them to do what they say…

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If you actually watch what Ariela packed you would see that she did not pack any blankets or towels. In fact she packed some of Seb’s clothes, his shorts, his underwear, and his shirts that I recognized and some long pants. I would conclude that Seb was to meet her at the location where they went to play Dungeons and Dragons (whatever) at length. Not go to the beach or park and lay out on the blanket to fuck Conrad and get some sun. (In the middle of winter). I would presume that their hosts would supply any needed blankets and towels.

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Certainly you care about what I have to say. The PROOF is that you responded to me. I don’t like you and your nasty attitude and hurtful statements. I respond to you in order to lessen the influence your nastyness has on Ariela and Seb and the other participants in this forum. I want to encourage A&S for letting us view their life together. You just aim to destroy their relationship. Why don’t you make those same kinds of statements to your neighbor’s husband. Here you escape the consequences of making those kinds of statements because you can hide behind your anonymity.


they may have seen the couple from the other night who don’t want to be in front of the cameras