Ariela (Part 2)

@JonR, con todo el aprecio que te tengo, esta vez, hay cosas en las que no te secundo; entiendo que no tiene que importarnos qué hace Ariela o no de su vida porque somos simples espectadores, pero creo en que cada uno puede opinar desde la percepción y lo que se proyecta hacia el otro lado de la pantalla.
Por supuesto que ella es adulta y responsable al momento de traer un invitado a su casa, lo cual no quita que uno, repito, opine respetuosamente acerca de cómo nos parece que son tratados.
Caso contrario el foro sería un simple cúmulo de fotos de chicas desnudas en todas clases de poses y no un intercambio amable de opiniones sobre personas que se exponen ante cámara.


I think it’s obvious that we can have an opinion of what we see without offending the participants What we can’t say to them is how to do things and what to do


La verdad es que uno puede decirle qué hacer porque hay un anonimato que juega a favor del que escribe, lo que no significa que sea correcto o moral hacerlo. O incluso, que a Ariela le importe.
Pero bueno, ya me han mandado varias veces a ver otros departamentos, así que no sería la primera vez que no opinen como yo y me sugieran ir a otro lado :smile:

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I understand what you are saying. Personally I can’t tell anyone how to express themselves, I just follow the rules of the forums
sometimes some one can express himself or herself in a way let’s say funny without bothering anyone…


This seemed to have become very serious while I was away. It’s not about telling someone what they should or should not do. It usually involves commenting and giving our opinion on what is happening. Having said that, we become like commentators at a football match. Ha Ha countdown 45 minutes has started. Must bring a picture where it looks like she is saying a prayer! :heart_eyes: :hugs:


Nah, no es que se haya vuelto serio, simplemente disentí de lo que dijo JonR. De todos modos es una de las tantas opiniones por aquí. Me voy a ver al campeón del mundo jugar futbol.
Los leo mañana y veremos que pasa esta noche en la habitación de Ariela (o en sus alrededores :sweat_smile:)


I started the countdown now down to 30 min. Argentina 2 Chile 0. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :1st_place_medal:




TED176961 is perfectly right in his analysis relating to Ariela’s attitude in the face of the latest meetings of which we were a spectator.
On the other hand, your answer is out of topic since it evokes what the guys must or must not do, which is only a fabrication of your part, unless Ariela told you about the rules enacted to her pretenders, which I doubt anyway. I will therefore go in the same direction as Amberhoster and Eros and there would indeed be nothing to write if we had to respect your form of dictate.
Finally commenting on the wishes of one or others is not in direct contact with the events and should therefore be deleted from the page, In compliance with the rules governing this forum, then you, the canker of compliance with the rules, would do well to apply to yourself before you want to apply them to others.
To refocus on the subject “Ariela”, her attitude towards the guys is at least curious and it’s reasonable to wonder about the reasons which push her to bring them home if it’s to spend time on her phone, let them stand alone on a bed or even play dry humping without going further. In France, we use the term “allumeuse” for this kind of attitude. It’s a reality that you cant’object.

oh my god how many sons did this have?

It’s wonderful …
You can choose between …

bandicam 2024-06-26 12-17-52-583

and this …

:cry: :sob: :woozy_face: :weary:


Out in the “office”. Has she been inspired by Henry! :joy: :face_with_monocle:

The guest is still sleeping!


Totalement d’accord avec cho2vant. Il est important que les femmes soit plus intelligente que les hommes en ne se comportant comme eux. La libération de la femme est une très bonne chose, toutefois, tomber dans l’excès inverse en jouant avec les hommes, ne grandira pas les femmes. L’équilibre de la relation homme femme doit être basé sur le respect et la communication. Les dominations et les excès ne mène nul part. L’histoire nous l’a enseignée.

How does anyone here know if she is “playing with” these men. It might as well be good friends who know exactly what is going on. Ariela is no novice either here or outside of VHTV. This is just speculation. We are observers who can comment on what we see but refrain from putting people into categories! JMO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs:


Je pense que le terme que tu emploies, jouant, est exact. Nous sommes dans une pièce de théâtre et l’on nous donne un spectacle. Il y a les acteurs principaux et les intérimaires, chacun est dans son rôle. Cela lui fait un petit revenu (peut-être grand, je ne sais pas). Nous projetons nos fantasmes ou nos désirs et les exprimons dans ce forum. C’est très bien comme ça, une sorte de ‘dazibao’ (mot chinois car le traducteur peut dire n’importe quoi).

Nothing happened with this guy so far? :rofl:

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He’s up but Ariela is still at the “office”! :calling: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


and that is exactly where the error lies that I keep trying to clear up:
what is the point of a theater if it seems to be about disappointing the audience’s expectations again and again? It only causes harm, drives away the audience, reduces income. IF it were a theater.
most of those who regularly complain here that they don’t get what they want are so blinded by the actual theater in other apartments that they don’t even think that it could be different here. THAT is what I keep trying to express.
If this really were a theater, if it were only about clicks and the monthly rent, we would see something similar to what we see at Fox, for example. The possibilities would be there, the attractiveness, including the guests, in any case. It’s just that Ariela is NOT like Fox (to stay with this example) or thinks like Fox. The opposite is more likely to be the case. so the same standards or expectations should not be applied. because whoever expects something like that here will ALWAYS be disappointed.
that’s why the advice, that is always considered unfair: if you want orgies, go somewhere else. you won’t be happy here, no matter how often you complain

and if what I am trying to do here is seen as a dictatorship, then that’s just how it is. I see myself more as a guide who wants to prevent rockers and punks from getting lost in the opera, and vice versa.
I don’t blame anyone for having different tastes. But I do have something against people complaining about the artists and the audience even though they unknowingly or intentionally attended the wrong event.