Archi, Cleo

Seeing you know well almost everything. I am having a problem with my car, or rather the driver, he does not like the cold and refuses to get out of bed to drive the car, can you help me :grin:

You have a driver? Why not drive yourself?

Shhhh the question was not for you :sweat_smile:

here it is not kosher to drive himself, this is a sign of bad taste :joy:

Sorry I almost missed your reply. Once again, consider teleporting :+1:

only dobby can help him

Went out and bought the book, let me get back to you. :grinning:

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Прекрасная дама , идеальна во всем!!! Один боооооольшой минус, почему нету камеры в той комнате где она всегда подмывается после секса!!!

то туалет, а в туалетах камер нету :frowning: типа личное пространство

Ну там не только туалет, девушка туда бегает мыться после секса…

а это разве нельзя сделать на унитазе или на биде?

Hell oh man is Archi pissed, he is going to be man down very soon, I hope no drama

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Knocked cam 4 when getting up

kataleya got them _____ and archi is s___ping it off.

unless he wakes up refresh nothing will happen and that’s on kataleya she was up her on ass tonight .

I see that other girl looks pretty _____ but I doubt virgin will take advantage.

I think he is gay but I don’t believe anything has been proven yet but he does like ass play😂

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I guess the other girl left and this girl has a guy she was talking to in the bathroom.

this is an audition then😂

I guess they saw what a posted yesterday because the girl is back.

3 girls, Archi and virgin, are we in for some fun :upside_down_face:

One of the couches is gone from the living room. like an awkward to move game of musical chairs. s___ping arrangements may be interesting.

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