Archi, Cleo

Yes It’s been saved.


I have never really looked in on this apartment since they relocated. This is what you call a birds eye view, could be doing with it being lower.

They moved it to the current view when the apartment was offline. The previous position was better.

Yes that is much better.

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Oh come on!!! Stop!!! Do the men!!! Enough with these girls camouflages!!!

No thank you. No Thank You Do Not Want GIF

has New Asian Girl had sex yet i can never seem to catch her

That is hilarious! I share your sentiment by the way. :slight_smile:

The guest guy still is too shy to be fully naked. He took off his undies to participate in the naked massages but kept his junk hidden the whole time with his hand. Now the undies are back on.

I was going to ask, what is the deal with that dude, is he cock shy? Mind you the girl is only interested in her phone, boring as fuck. Archi needs to stick it her ass to get her to pay attention.

It’s funny, he was ok giving a blow job to Aldon the other night but taking off his undies is too much. Everyone has their own comfort level lol

The phone addiction of so many of these folks is amazing - they seem to spend all waking hours on their phones

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Is he interested in girls, I do not watch this place much?

No, I don’t think he is. He may be bi but I don’t get that vibe. The only person he was interested in the other night was definitely Aldon.

OK now I understand his reluctance to playing with the girl and why she was Googling ‘‘How to turn a gay dude’’.

I wonder if Kata will give Archi! the nod to give her a shot. The other dude is really not comfortable being in this position and I very much doubt Archi will want a BJ from him.

He is playing with her nipples but doesn’t seem too into it right now.

Indeed, a bit b____l!

I must say the view from the international space station leaves much to be desired.