⚠ [April Fools joke] Atreus & Hermine

They won’t fool is with two places? Won’t they?


About the names we already at the teletubbies so these names seem quite normal to me…

looking good. bright (if they will let this kind of natural lights in, it’s going to be a clear view) ,small (small place means closer cams and closer view) i got a feeling it’s somebody related to Y&F

Realm number belongs to managers Anna & Alex. And timezone in different.

i guess i take your word you know better than me about managers and realm numbers

april 1st joke :rofl: :rofl:

Ex-Mr. s__tty cams place, so guess we know where they stand :joy:

Two places? Very unlikely. Also names seem quite normal… And it is normal places on Friday never work :joy:

Friday’s bug, good too you take too much of your head to find names of apartments. :rofl: :rofl:

Nice place, looks sunny & warm wherever it is :smirk:

It’s about time VHTV got their act together, and make sure these new realms are up to the job. We’ve had a few leave so new ones are good, but not if they go offline as soon as they open

Looks like a decent sized place, could be good for parties.

Well when it comes online with ALL cams working and people in it :joy:

The names some of these guys choose does take some understanding, but if they want to be known by these names who are we to stop them. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Well better than the Teletubbies :rofl:

Lets hope to god they are not related to Teresa… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am wondering if any other apartment has had as many comments posted before it has been streamed on VHTV or even listed :sweat_smile:

Closest one I’ve seen is Ariela & Sebastian topic

I guess it must be a slow day on the forums, so anything new is being jumped upon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So many posts for a place that (unfortunately) does not exist. Maybe @VHTV_James can make it happen? :innocent: :joy:

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