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She’s trying to fend off Henry’s wandering hands :rofl: :rofl:

No sense of humour wolfman :thinking: :joy:

So how long before this realm is offline :question:

new girl…:heart_eyes:

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Henry doit avoir une approche de confiance , envers cette fille , il fait tout a l’envers , il et tactile direct

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New girl is Vasya’s new girlfriend, he’s split up with Almira :joy: It’s easy this speculating and coming up with the answer :rofl:

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Do they stay until Henry empties his helicopters gaz tank

Again spending most of the time outside Kitchen loggia with no cam……:expressionless::sweat_smile:

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Cats seem to really excite her !


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image I was expecting Marcella and other guest women :upside_down_face:

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Seems Amilee got poisoned again :frowning:

She is busy on phone…:sweat_smile::blush:

Who has guests at their home and stays away and on the phone all the time :thinking: something strange with this arrangement

The one that have nothing to do with what happen in the house that she have a name :joy:


She was always as antisocial as possible :joy:

Now they all left for offcam party….:rofl::sweat_smile: time to s___p as vhtv is boring without them…

What manager in their right mind would put someone like that into this project? :man_facepalming:

At least tonight they did a great show for you with hot parties and hot girls :joy: :joy:

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