
Instead of playing the guitar and taking care of the cameras in others, Lord should already take care of the one who doesn’t work “at home”

Lord has a magic touch to fix cams, that last few hours… :crazy_face:


Vyronika ???

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She seems so out of place not at her usual place with the usual people.

where does Vyronika live now ?

I am not sure. I am curious to see if she stays here with Amilee or goes back to her place, which she left, apparently.

she does not feel well, so far I know her now already

I see it too. I’m going to guess, after an all-night teambuilding with .08 fireworks, Lord fucked her and now brought her to his stable whore Amelee, whom Vye didn’t know. :-1:


She cosy with the man in black :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s her friend…:sweat_smile:

She may be cheating on bearded man… :thinking: :face_with_peeking_eye: :wink:


I’m happy to see pandora & prescott after long time….

I never seen her, but I have just checked archive… Cute and sweet girl… :wink:

They were Almira’s guest at her old apartment…

It’s great to see Pandora in the shower again.


Pandora is not well and went to s___p. Lord the Perv tried do move besides her but was intercepted by Amilee and he had to move away… :grin:

Lord will be back :smiling_imp:

Lord is back…

I guess that s___ping position is called “The coffin” :stuck_out_tongue: :see_no_evil: