Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

No murió en combate. Pero es un heroe


Does it really matter for anyone to know any more details? Thats for Amelie and Lucas family.If you or anyone else know anything more keep it for Your self


Solo volvía a poner los que puso VHTV


Know that God has prepared a place for him in a beyond inhabited by infinite happiness. Please accept my sincere condolences. During this period of mourning that affects you, keep in mind that God sows the seeds of Heaven in your grieving hearts to bring to your loved ones the hope of seeing Lucas again in Heaven.


Lucas was a He and not a She


What awful news. They say the best go first. RIP Lucas


Amelie, I am very sorry about the recent news, if you need support, please contact us, it is very difficult to lose a loved one, especially in connection with recent political events. We offer our condolences from our studio :people_hugging::broken_heart:


I’m just reading it and i’m shocked. haven’t been on the Forum lately because two months ago i lost a close friend because of the war. We don’t know him in person but after all this years i have the feeling that i’m losing another one. I wish Amelie and their families the best in these dificult times.

Rest in peace Lucas :ukraine: :hearts:


@Amelie_Lucas I learned the news yesterday on the forum…right away I didn’t want to write anything also because in these situations it’s hard to find the right words…I just want to say that I feel so sorry for lucas and I want to tell amelie to take strength and move on also because I think lucas from up there would like to see you happy…a big hug to amelie and a prayer for lucas who is watching us from heaven… :pray: :pray: :pray: :cry: :cry:

Passing Rest In Peace GIF by GIPHY Studios 2023


Amelie, I wish you much strength in these dark days,take your time to grieve, and when the time is right try to take your life back at your own pace. Do not hesitate to talk about Lucas with family and friends, this will help you in grieve process.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Lucas no te olvidamos


you are the person who should shut up…enjoy vhtv and forget the rest…

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sorry @jabbath1987 but wouldn’t it be better to block this topic…I see people who perhaps don’t realize the situation… :cry: :man_shrugging:

No. Normal people should be able to write their condolences here. Unfortunately there are always some ones who do not know how to behave at all.


you’re right but it’s not nice to hear about morons who don’t even know where they are… :cry:


In memory of Lucas :sunflower:

There’s a light that never goes out :candle:


I always say to my self think twice before you say something. In your case think 100 times before you write about something so serious like here.


I am VERY moved. This song is magnificent …
I think a lot of Amelie …
It brings tears to my eyes … :cry: :sob:

Je suis très ému. Ce chant est magnifique …
Je pense beaucoup à Amelie …
J’en ai les larmes aux yeux :sob: :cry:

To Amelie :
Я дуже зворушений. Ця пісня чудова …
Я багато думаю про Амелі.
Це викликає сльози на моїх очах …

Phil, :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


My thoughts and prayers go out to Amelie and Lucas’ family and friends. I guess we all feel like we knew him. Personally, I was left with a sad feeling every time I saw him leave home to defend his country. R.I.P Lucas.

Animated Condolences GIF - Animated Condolences GIFs



Dearest Amelie,

The world has taken your most precious love, your life partner, and my heart is broken for you, as yours is for Lucas. I’m sure life seems incredibly cruel and arbitrary right now; I cannot find meaning in what has happened to you.

This is the most awful thing that could have happened, and I am so truly sorry it has turned your life inside out. I cannot imagine how much you are hurting right now.

I pray that hope and comfort flood your life during this sad, dark time. I wish there were more I could do to help heal your broken heart.