Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

Rip Candle GIF by Art2D2


Only words that I could find when I read this was “wtf”. That can’t be truth.
I noticed that he was enjoying his last visits with Amelie and the other girl as much as possible. I think he was realizing the danger he was in. This is making me very sad and I hope Amelie’s future will be better. I was always thinking that they should move out of that country. I understand he was a hero but death was awaiting right behind the corner every day :disappointed_relieved:
What a tragedy when a young strong man like him has to go. R.I.P. Lucas, you’ll be always in my heart and mind when I meet your people in my country. :black_heart:


I have been afraid of this for a long, long time

I feel partly guilty, I regret that I didn’t insist more at the time. Today is a sad day, I have been wiping away tears since this morning, my heart breaks when I think of Amelie. I know what Lucas wanted, but it does not ease the pain in the slightest.

My dear friend, I hope you have found your peace up there.

And Amelie, there are a lot of people with you, let them in now, when the loneliness is pressing in on you. We grieve with you.

I will remember the times when we admired together the places where I invited you and where we promised to walk after the war.

I will write to you one last time, the invitation still stands, I wish you to find your peace, I love you both.



Am so sorry to read my thoughts and prayers with everyone


My most sincere and heart felt condolences to Amelie and all Lucas’s loved ones. Rest easy Brother, we have the watch
until Valhalla warrior.


Hi, I think it’d be a good idea to erase all files where lucas is in. Just to respect his memory



This news is an absolute blow to our hearts.
Lukas, you are no longer with us. But your spirit will always be with us. And not only we, in our VHTV family, but also your whole country will always be proud of you. :ukraine: :ukraine: :ukraine:
I light a candle. So that you can find your way to paradise.
Dear Amelie, dear relatives and all friends of Lucas and Amelie. I wish you much strength in these difficult days and in this difficult time.
We will always be with you in our thoughts. :cry::heart: :hugs:


Heartfelt condolences :pray: I hope Amelie and Lucas’ family find strength and peace in this difficult hour. Rest in peace Lucas :raised_hands:


RIP . Also wenn es richtig ĂŒbersetzt wurde ist er nicht bei den KĂ€mpfen gestorben. So oder so sehr traurig er sah noch recht jung aus :slightly_frowning_face:


Je suis debout au bord de la plage.
Un voilier passe dans la brise du matin,
et part vers l’ocĂ©an.
Il est la beauté, il est la vie.
Je le regarde jusqu’à ce qu’il disparaisse à l’horizon.
Quelqu’un Ă  mon cĂŽtĂ© dit : « il est parti !»
Parti vers oĂč ?
Parti de mon regard, c’est tout !
Son mĂąt est toujours aussi haut,
sa coque a toujours la f___e de porter sa charge humaine. Sa disparition totale de ma vue est en moi,
pas en lui.
Et juste au moment oĂč quelqu’un prĂšs de moi
dit : «il est parti !»
il en est d’autres, qui le voyant poindre à l’horizon et venir vers eux s’exclament avec joie :
«Le voilà !»
C’est ça la mort !
Il n’y a pas de morts.
Il y a des vivants sur les deux rives.
attribué à William Blake


I always hope to see him wearing a military uniform and returning to this apartment, but it is impossible now. I hope he can enjoy peace in heaven. You are the best man. I hope everything will end soon and no more innocent people will die. R.I.P :pray: :pray: :pray:


I have no words
 only tears 

It will never be the same

for all of us



I’m very sorry, I am sad. Those two loved each other very much and deserved to grow old together. Amelie, be strong, I am with you in spirit.


„Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt,
kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren“
J.W.von Goethe

Ich wĂŒnsche Dir, liebe Amelie viel Kraft
in dieser schweren Zeit.
Ruhe in Frieden, Lucas


I propose that VH places a sign of mourning until the date of Lucas’ funeral


Very delicate comment. Was it that you fell out of the crib or neuronal degeneration?


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

If I were someone at VHT, I would send this individual to the zoo to masturbate with his kind. Having to put up with this scum after what has happened is already too much. I’m sorry, but I’m screwed and if I don’t say it I’ll burst.


Kein Raum fĂŒr Spekulationen. Dass ist respektlos. Jeder soll sich sein Teil Denken und fĂŒr sich behalten


My thoughts and gods blessing be with you, will keep you in my prayers