Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

Most of the time their content is clickbait but i understand this is because Lucas absence and I would be really surprised if Amelie had involved into anything without him.
P.S @Amelie_Lucas Lucas if you read write if you are OK and how things are going there. Come back safe.







Why doesn’t she just make it a 3-some?


Im pretty sure she only play’s around when lucas is with her we will just have to wait till lucas get’s gets. Home :ok_hand:


Maybe because lucas did not aprove. Maybe they don’t feel compatible. Maybe another reason.Who knows the reason for sure. But surely for many of us it would be very pleasing to see 2 goddesses in the heat of lust. Am sure when they feel ready they will not disappoint us. :heart_eyes:




Because if she is going to play around, it would only be with a female

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Friendly wording advice: IMHO refering to women or girls as females makes you sound like an incel, don’t make a habit of it.

Excuse me, but that is what she is is a female or woman or a girl what’s the difference?


When you talk about Lucas, do you say “the male”?

First of all, he is a male number two when I said female, I wasn’t talking about Amelie I was talking about the female friends that she would invite over there but again is she not a female please make it make sense

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There is technically nothing wrong with it, per dictionary it’s an absolutely appropriate word to use. I guess, I have not checked. However, in our age of heigthened sensitivities it is often perceived as slightly objectifying or dehumanizing, a very clinical term that you’d more likely use for biological specimens / a____ls than for persons. And it is notable that incels and other misogynists will much more frequently say “female” when talking about women than normal people will. That’s why I say it can make you sound like an incel even if you’re not. Why not say woman or girl? It’s more natural and these days considered more polite and politically correct.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s AmĂ©lie or one of her friends you’re talking about, and you understand very well my underlying question relating to the reductive notation of the individual to their sex, as you use it.
Talking about a human is not just about that, the proof is that we are talking about a c___d, a teenager, a young woman and a person of middle or even advanced age. So many nuances specific to humans that you can’t ignore.
It was the subject of my remark about your comment because I think a little humanity never hurt anyone.

For one because I am from the old school from Gen X using or saying the word female because that is what women are is what we said back in the day I don’t know what this incel that you talking about? But If I offended you then OK, I will use the word again