Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

All cams should be located higher…

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Now with the light on, do the same, or something similar, that did a little while ago, to see if have the courage

A great foursome imo but shame about the lights and camera locations as difficult to see much beyond entangled legs and backs.

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Different apartments different quality new guest, (Dexter & Kelly apartment), very beautiful images, sex and showering, good uninhibited guest New guests in Amelie & Lucas apartment, everything is done the same way as always

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The guests covered one of the cameras to masturbate

Said that b___dy hours ago, obviously still using an old script :rofl:

Hi pal, yes i was, have been watching an old film on the tele, The Magnificent Seven.
By all accounts my evening was more exciting than yours then :rofl:
It may have be an old film but at least mine was in technicolour :rofl:

well I guess they didn’t want us watching anymore


The tosser forgot cam 3 :rofl:

We didn’t miss much

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another nice Ass

Maybe we could make a kind request to @Amelie_Lucas to raise all the cameras by say 300 or 400 mm then it would make a huge difference. All in all though lovely evening with lovely guests. :slight_smile:

  • Happy with it is at the moment.
  • Can we please make a kind request to raise the cameras.

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Hardly worth the effort :rofl:


You are such a negative person sometimes Robwin, had a bad night mate?

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Not at all pal had a good evenings viewing on the tele, good to hear you enjoyed your viewing anyway :+1:
Just having a quick flick round to see what joys i have missed on VH :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Seems like some people have just got to moan for the sake of it. And when nothing happens they moan and when it does happen they moan and I can only put it down to watching too much pornhub. :laughing: :laughing:

I was watching the football, so I didn’t see it, but I have said before that these cameras need moving up a bit and asked a polite request for them to do it for any future happenings. :slight_smile:

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I try not to moan too much but one sex act is much the same as any other i suppose so not overly enthralled with any of them really.
Pornhub? are they still going then? :laughing:
Must admit am enjoying the womens world cup qualifiers, think the guys could take a bit of advice from them re behaviour but mustn’t moan i suppose. :laughing:

Anyway @anon31605929 must get to bed and get my beauty s___p, you have lost an hour more than me, what you doing up so late then?
Cheers for now and don’t let the bed bugs bite :+1:

I have to do all my accounts before the 7th, so nearly done, night night. :slight_smile:

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