Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Does Tanya know that A & Lhad sex a short while ago on the couch she is sitting on :rofl:

if she notices sheā€™s getting excited just by sitting there she should knowā€¦ all those flying pheromonesā€¦ :slight_smile:

Yep, really looking forward -eroticism at its best!

Sheā€™s probably feeling the vibes :rofl:

Tanya is no fool and knows exactly what is going on and we are all watching. She knows that sooner or later she is going to have to eat a bit of tuna or sausage to keep the viewers happy :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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For me the next extraordinary event will be the day Lucas leaves the girls alone for a few hours. :yum:

this is the most chilled i have seen them ,so hopefully things will progress in the way we are all hoping

Somehow i get the feeling, and always have, that it is very orchestrated am just wondering when we shall get the grand finale :rofl:

i just canā€™t or perhaps just donā€™t want to believe itā€™s all orchestrated and if it isā€¦ well, then they deserve a Oscar for it!

It is a pity not to understand what they say.

can somebody nip round and open a window let the fucking bird loose lol

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Good idea, let the bird escape and Lucas go look for it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

WTF has that poor bird done to piss you off :rofl:

That ass ! :yum:

I see the ringmaster has arrived :rofl:

A bit to early for the production to begin :rofl:

Like a once nightly soap opera :rofl:

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shorts are off 2 hours early ,she must know its a works night

They are supposed to have lost their shame by now ā€¦ everything flows :laughing:

So guys, I can see the climate has calmed down pretty much in here :slightly_smiling_face: