Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Come on you guys lets not get too worked up remember you have to conserve your testosterone levels for yet another night yet at least :rofl:

Nice tender session. Nice view during the night.


Your opinion is the same as mine. Theyā€™re all excited because progress has been made, however, it only took Lucas to have been off for an hour and the progress yesterday would have been tripled. . but it is precisely the thoughts of these people here in general that made me move away from this forum here. the way they react understanding that Lucas is necessary for all of this to happen is ridiculous. I know theyā€™re a couple, I know heā€™ll be hooking up soon, but it was hard for him to wait for the two of them to interact more. it didnā€™t cost and the result is celebrating here, without most even realizing that it could be at least 3 times better with just the two. But as I said, I donā€™t post anything else here. yesterday was supposed to be the last, but as I think the same as you. I just answered this post for the last time. The oral sex that amelie had yesterday at tanya that lasted 1 minutes if it was just the two of them would last at least 10, 15 minutes. they are beggars who are content with little and when you say it could be better they criticize you for it. when I think that for me people are small-minded I definitely walk away

Take you a bet, Lucas fucks Tanya in the near future.

Thank you Oparahl on your expert opinion, I am sure Lucas will take it to heart and do exactly how you want your porn script to go

Anyway, i enjoyed it a lot last night and i thank @Amelie_Lucas and Tanya for sharing their experiencesā€¦


I appreciate the opinion and their sharing, very interesting, with details regarding the couple, which I had not noticed, and that makes perfect sense. As for the rest, you know what itā€™s like.

I think a lot of what all of you say is true even with your differing opinions Positives 1 huge progress Tanya so much more willing and obvious enjoyment Downer 1 She prefers Amelie at this stage. Very reluctant to kiss Lucas Positive 2 She will be back , she enjoyed it too much to dstay away Downer 2 Lucas may get too imatient Positive 3 it has only taken a couple of weeks to get to this stage Downer 3 It has taken a couple of weeks to get to this stage Conclusion anything mey happen but i think Lucas may get there if he is patient.


I hope he does, but I donā€™t currently see that happening in the short term, Iā€™m not trying to deliberately have a go at Lucas just commenting on what I see in my opinion, last night was great and hopefully there will be more nights like it.

Now do you feel a lot better for having got that off your chest. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I thinkā€¦ wellā€¦ ainā€™t gonna say it, said to much already last weeksā€¦ they do it fine and i leave it to themā€¦ :slight_smile:

Only two lines in case they read us, last night, finally, it was great, thanks to all three and I hope that from now on it will be repeated often, sorry for our impatience and even if only as a Christmas gift please: Give us a session with Amelie and Tanya alone.

Also from my side, many thanks to Amelie, Lucas and Tanya. I really enjoyed every minute of your erotic get-together. I hope it wasnā€™t the last time !? Many greetings to the lovely Tanya


By the way, I have read in a previous comment that Tanya could move to live in Lucas and Amelieā€™s apartment, I hope that is not true, the current situation at least allows us to s___p some night. :smiley:

Good morning people. wow 80 unread messages, I thought Tania is in :)) It is still about Tania doesnā€™t want Lucas etc.

The good thing is that I can look back 24 hours a day :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What I like the most about this appartment is that A&L really seem to like each other, just as I think Jessi & Mars, Sunny & Marcus, Montana & Eva and Schuyler & Conor seem to do. I understand that they want to involve a third person in their erotic life as a couple, appreciate that they do but also understand perfectly that they donā€™t want to rush things. Thatā€™s why I like them and really donā€™t get whatā€™s happening in places like Nude, Crazy or Kazantip House nor whatā€™s going on at Rachelā€™s, Milanaā€™s, Luchikā€™s or Miraā€™s.


I really appreciate that too. This is eroticism on a serious level



Amelie and Lucasā€¦ always the best couple!