Alisa's Wonderland

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If that is the case John, let us hope he cooks for her again. She was certainly up for it and Wayne duly obliged!!!:heart_eyes:

I suppose when Wayne is not satisfying her with his red hot cock, a red hot chilli is a good substitute.:rofl:

Lyla and her red chilli “lover” story goes on and on :rofl:

She loves that red chili it must be really comfortable

That’s hot stuff :grin:

:heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_eyes:Hope we get to see her agan. her laugh & smile is priceless!


Agreed, very rarely to find a girl with such a positive attitude and personality :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart:

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thanks for sharing this story event John

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My :heart: is cooking :heart_eyes:

Now, that is really hot!!

Thats is first time she cooking

Well, cooking is not her best attribute, she likes cleaning more :wink: :innocent:

I D K i think she is roasting tht chilli between her legs.

Is there anyone other than me who thinks the tiles on the walls in the bathroom look too horrible.

Honestly, i haven`t reached that far with my eyes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :innocent:

That took me by surpise, i genuinely hadn’t noticed them, ( too busy looking at Lyla) but you are right. Look at them for too long and they hurt your eyes.

Come on !!! The tiles , not Lylas’s buttocks

Heeft al meerdere malen gekookt :wink:

I cook every day to survive, more than once. But she’ll probably learn eventually

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