Alisa's Wonderland

complimenti per la perseveranza :clap: :clap: :clap:

She sucked dick tonight for the whole year :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :see_no_evil:. Even showed us what a mouth full should look like :heart_eyes:




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Lool, they have took the Realm out of the list completely :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

ISP problems? Pictures hang …

D__gs in bathroom… No surprise at all

All revenues gone …

Maybe I should have named him D__gs instead of Socks :see_no_evil:

colpa del novellino che non ha saputo nascondersi come tutti gli altri; occhio non vede cuore non duole!

Well, there are quite few options to choose from : crackhead, baghead, smokehound, king bong, dooby-doo… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and my fav: space cadet :rofl: :rofl:

Back online now

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Quite nice, but too long in my opinions. Because he’s weird and ugly, I also brought Birdy into the game :wink:

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licenziati in tronco, direi

Birdy is rather a name for girls…

So, Alisa running her brothel and getting marketing material :rofl: :rofl:

You love it, is it? :rofl: :rofl:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Nop not really… It’s quite a basic system that contaminates

Lol, i mean you love provoking me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: