
Did you have to understand Russian to really know why Gerda was so angry with Henri?
I think it was because he left the blonde’s BJ and then he left her and went to fuck the blonde-

Beauty comes in all sizes!

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And with her tanlines I wouldn’t mind playing with her. :rofl: :joy: :joy:

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Who gives a damn about the “tanline” crap? What’s it to you?

Wow this one is even more nervous than Mira
She kicked him out of his own house

Hey… just thought… she could start a business in the UK - ‘OCD Cleaners’ - “Have your whole house spring-cleaned in under an hour!” :rofl:

I see Alida has decided to keep well clear - bedded down in the loggia !

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He should already cancel the contract right now ,and send her back home…This woman will bring more problems in the future…
What could Henri have done to make her scream like that?

It’s like I said… once a hypocrite… always! And like you guys said… freedom of speech Right?!



Wish I would have seen it, because the apartment is now offline due to “Personal Reasons”. Henry is always in the middle of some issue, Like this time and last time with Mira…

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i actually think she was more pissed at kano for fuking trisha in the bath as she only switched into a psychotic yeti after walking in on kano and trisha , and of late she as become attatched to kano ,that girl seems to fall in love and tries to take possesion to quickly , obviously seeing henry and miss piggy didnt help .Henry asnt changed sinse the day he joined the project hes always doinked any hole thats willing to accomodate him , so doubt you can blame Henry for these episodes you mention, more likely its jealousy on the womens part , its a proven fact you should never become emotionally involved when on the swinger scene

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Gerda was hugging Henri, the blonde asked him to do a BJ, he should have refused according to Gerda, he thought it was a lack of respect for her…

It is obviously not always easy for some women not to get too emotionally involved. Even within the circumstances they operate right here. I suppose it is only natural in the end. Even if it is a golden rule not to do just that. :slight_smile:

Gerda obviously looking for her meal ticket :roll_eyes:

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Do the women absolutely have to boink to get a valid bite to eat then? :roll_eyes: :laughing: :hugs:

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Obviously so i suppose :laughing:

:hugs: Yes. Obviously that was what I was thinking initially. :heart_eyes:


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Where is Gerda? Is she still angry?