
Must admit didn’t see the kissee kissee in the living room but they normally see anybody off in the hall.
Maybe i was reading more into it than i should :roll_eyes:

No, you’re absolutely right, usually farewell is at the door, with the whole bunch there.

Maybe the discussion at the loggia has to do with some constantly seeking dick, that didn’t get to work tonight, and that this caused the absence in the “ceremony”.

I was under the impression, that the leaving girl sitiing in the hallway putting her shoes on was talking off the guy in the brownish shirt, who was strawling around trying to get his kiss, which he didn’t, and that the girl herself said to Henry just stay sitting, I’m leaving.

She wanted to kiss Alida goodbye in the livingroom who pointed out to the hall, most ertain saying, no I’ll take you to the door…

So the impression was the same for me, but hell knows why they stayed in the livingroom, and I wonder if it’s important enough to write about :rofl: :joy: :rofl:.

She’s gone, Henry’s options are still three… :rofl: :rofl:

… …although two seem to be a little preoccupied. :joy: :joy:

Looks like Henry is a bit pissed of because another guy has his arms around his girl friend. Mira may be trying to sooth him.

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night time here,

have fun y’all.

Yeah agree with all that, was rather unusual but there you go :roll_eyes:
Why is it that so many russians when talking are so fucking loud lol, Henry is like a b___dy fog horn :laughing:

Anyway bedtime for me guys, see ya around no doubt, night night :+1:

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This is Henry’s dream one arm around Mira the other exploring the girlfriends crouch


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Most men are attracted at least two women, but it’s not easy, it’s exhausting & a lot of stress. But here’s something different, they may have sexual relations with other women & women as well with different men

There are tough times in Russia right now, so maybe they feel like they have to raise their voice more because of that. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

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I definately can confirm Robs small point about Gerdas little bit of saggy tits. Otherwise I think they look nice. :hugs:


The beautiful effect due to the law of Gravity