
Good thing, Chyna and Trisha took Gerda with them, instead of just leaving her there. :+1: :+1:


Chyna and Gerda back already:

I would say Gerda is three sheets in the wind.


Local branch of the loony bin ain’t it :rofl:

101 %, but Gerda managed to reveal Chyna’s pussy for once. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, I know, she shows what she has in that other camshow, but in VH she usually covers up. :rofl:

Looks like a standard production model :rofl: but well captured.

Three little birds were sitting in the sun basking…
staring on their claws and their little feet…

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Any bright bugger out there…
What’s the difference between a Grid gallery upload and a Masonry Image Gallery


Another meltdown for Gerda !!!

What’s wrong with her?

Oh never mind, I see she’s _____ as a skunk.



Could be summed up in three words, “A b___dy nutcase” :laughing:

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The three realms that dear Henry manages have really gone to the dogs. The behaviour of the participants is nothing short of outrageous. Whether it is just the ______ (with Henry it is) or if d__gs are involved we wont know. The split between Mira and Henry said it all. I’ll be back when this lot return to some sort of normality (Proper guests, parties and gatherings with normal interaction). Mira for gods sake come back and sort this rabble out. Without you this is just chaos.


Am slightly confused, Koen seems to be spending a lot of time with Alida?
Am sure there is a very good reason for it. :roll_eyes:

Am getting slightly concerned now as it seems Koen is in no rush to go home to Wendy, must be nearly 3 days now or so :roll_eyes:

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That for sure,

he exploits all the girls in her shadow, or should I have said large shadow :rofl: :rofl:

Was wondering if Shinobu got her load during their stay at M & S. :joy: :joy:

Who knows, if Wendy is on other mission (family-business or so), and Koen took the
chance to go on that trip with Alida.

There are multiple possibilities.

If nothing else, we all remember, that Wendy said, that they didn’t get along when living with Marica.
And maybe they have reached that point again. Which would be a pitty.

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Never saw any exploits with Shinobu or being reported on here but Alida sure ain’t getting it but am sure she would have no objections :rofl:
i rather like Alida she seems a very nice person.

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will never change and infact will get worse especially due to controlling factor of the russian regime .the youth nowadays only really have alchol and the internet as a means of escape , have a read of this might explain alot Russia: Can the AA 12-Step Program Thrive in Russia? | Eurasianet