
Then you’d said “eh pal I just can’t with these young ladies always on their phones” :smiling_face_with_tear:

Probably watching a replay of their lustful performance :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You are being modest hun, i reckon you would be a right little belter :heart:
Better than sat behind that desk :rofl:


I guess Gerda likes some soft shell tacos over weiner some days lol

woww… GERDA is in BIG Cleaning mode… like she has bugs or something crawling. spraying down everything

even the groceries, and puts them back to the shelf,

doesn’t spare out any corner, as if they had fleas or roaches.

And that although they had taken the couch apart for cleaning and did the kitchen and all just a cpl of days ago.



got to wonder… do they really know how much that couch has been thru… and how much stain has built up over the last few yrs!!

One can “only hope” they have been using a germicidal solution to clean it!

now this is above and beyond any cleaning routine,

this is like decontamination or chasing the devil. :rofl: :rofl:


I’ve looked at those kitchen chairs for a few years and they scare the :poop: out of me, they could use a deep cleaning with a germicidal solution as well! :bangbang:

I think the leather or fabric is very brittle. They need replacement for sure.

Well if they were replaced they should be disposed of as a BIO Hazzard ! :rofl:

question , is it possible that Gerda will be taking over this appartment and Alida will relocate ?

One just never knows…I only take VHTV a day at a time as things change so rapidly. As I so often say, “Time will tell”. It doesn’t bother me one way of another :slightly_smiling_face:

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doesnt really bother me , but thought for once i would ask a sensible question, without any quips or double entendres just to see the response :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Since they seem to get along, will Gerda move in as a co-locator??

or to avoid later generations to deal with whatever is on/in the couch,

there once was a term of a brown …soaked couch :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

kinda thinking even if they do get along like what they want us to believe , i get a feeling Gerda would like her own place, Alida is to laid back to settle for a permanent live in partner and Gerda seems to be the opposite .just my opinion

But it would cut the expenses in two. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: