
She can’t escape into a hidden room. But he will bite out his teeth again with Pia :sunglasses:

It’s Veska @jabbath1987 I checked the wiki and ur right :+1:


Thanks for confirming :kissing_heart:

Ur welcome anytime :hugs:

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Yeah, I also saw it eventually, when I studied her hair in the right angle. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I can’t see any Veska there, can only see Pia, Alida and Gerda.
Where is this mystery woman then?

The conversation refers to this picture from an earlier chat in this thread earlier today. :slight_smile:

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Ahhh gotya, thought i was losing it :joy:

Dear Pia looks so infatuated and in love, so sad :joy: :joy: :joy:

Alida Very Sexy Tonight !! :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:


Can anyone explain to me how they sometimes pass from the loggia into the living room without appearing on the kitchen screen?
Do they go through the bedroom door to the loggia?

Yes there is a door leading to the bedroom

Gerda gave it her all but the pleasure was short.
Well then lie down on the mat and do it yourself.
If someone touches you then just say “look don’t touch anything”… :tongue:
woman love GIF

I thought there is only a window, where people peaked in when someone was fucking in the bedroom.

The gap between kitchen and loggia, could be a lack of synchronising cams.

Pia is obssesed with her hair

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Did Kano and Gerda shower at the same time?
Thank you

I see that Henry is wearing glasses… perhaps due to the shortage of women to bed he has resorted to lots of self-a___e? :laughing:

I didn’t see any showering, but they certainly shared the bath, with a bit of ‘tongue & finger stimulation’ by Kano and a bit of ‘foot massage’ of his cock from Gerda !! :smiley: