
Yeah, I have not seen any clear sign of some farewell party. Then some more people would have been invited in to it. That is not the case. :hugs:

Playboy Bunny

Is she a dependant of Oleg Popow ??

Thinking of it, after watching a while, it’s rather this that gets to my mind:


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I would say GhostBoy Bunny. :hugs: :hugs:

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Gerdas other self !! :performing_arts: :performing_arts:

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Obviously not Mira’s turn tonight :rofl:
We alternate between wives 1 & 2 :rofl:

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It is the only two wifes available in the selection for now? I am sure there will be more wives in the future. :hugs: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

That’s ok then, would hate Henry to be limited to only two :rofl:

maybe her and Mira got an apartment together

Stranger things have happened i suppose :joy:

Many a truth spoken in jest!!..If you have a woman that you just want to have sex with , and you know how pliable she is , you don’t just sit together hugging and chatting…that’s what married couples do.

Obviously a man of experience then :joy:

Experience in chatting and hugging if he is married then. :joy:

A beer & a Woman like Gerda is what many of us would like to be happy… :100:

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When I was young, they used to say that the 3 best things in life were a _____ before and a cigarette after. :laughing:

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What’s about Chyna?