Alan & Nina

Nina had some drawings on the bedroom wall in her last apartment. She still has them. It would be nice to see them go back on the wall again.

No you were right. Hugo & Bev lived there too. :wink:

The naughty StarWars drawings. :wink:

Lucky couch seen too much

Happy Bear GIF

Edda senide istiyoruz

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Can’t beat that couch at their old place

Serena flooded it :rofl:

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Hopefully Alan fucks other girls too

Both seem to have put on weight, Alan so much more and looks middle aged with that paunch! Obviously his diet hasn’t improved. Are the old crowd going to return?

Not so sure. Unless I am mistaken, Nina was a +7 hours site before whereas now they are +5. This might suggest that they have had to move west away from previous friends. I sincerely hope I am wrong here.

It was +7 but this is +6, not +5 if the clock on the cams is correct. Must admit I’ve never trusted all the timings on the cams.

If they are +6 then it is just dexter and kelly who might be under different managers. Not to say that their friends won’t travel but the Federation is under a sort of lockdown currently and this might not be possible. The good news is that NIna’s interpersonal sk__ls are very good i.e. she recruited Jane from a gymnasium. She was almost as good as Herman in enticing people to visit so there is hope.

Yes, Nina ran the apartment and the guest list.

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Both RLC and VHTV doing too much of recycling. Are you guys not able to sell the concept to new people !!! Come on. Same guys shd do better !

Porn rather than voyeur type activities here on VHTV while RLC is just so fucked up. Sad reality, porn sells and owners/managers have no clue as to the meaning of “voyeur”. Most of the tenants on VHTV know each other and fuck one another as if they are all one happy fucking family (inbreeding - lol).

Seems funny seeing them back not in their old apartment, remember there was talk that Alan may have even owned it but obviously wrong by all accounts. I see Nina still has a slight scratching problem sometimes. Alan obviously hasn’t seen the hairdresser in a while.:rofl:

Yes, weird not seeing him in his usual old place (he was there when I first came to VHTV). Glad to see him back with the project again though. :slight_smile:

I think you are getting confused or at least you are nearly getting me confused, N&A were always from this time zone, if you remember when Bev & Hugo stayed here then they would visit Kira &Emily which is where Kelly & Dexter stay now.

All I have to say is either thanks to @VHTV_James & St George for bringing back one of the all time great couples back (well if I’m honest more so Nina :heart_eyes:). :+1: