Aderyn & Inga

Emilia klingt gut.

She is already Emmary by now

I have to say Aderyn is not being a very great boyfriend to Emma… :expressionless:

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Emmary and Aderin


Did anyone official say that Aderyn was Emma’s boyfriend? Or was that just an assumption based on nothing official?

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Neither would he be, they are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend! :roll_eyes:

So Aderyn becem a womenizer now :rofl:

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The & in the name of the apartment implied it I think

Hopefully that will be changed before too long then.

There is an “&” in-between “Eliza & Queen”. I could be wrong as I don’t watch that apartment, but the “&” there doesn’t mean they are a couple.

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U know I never seen anything official on the telegram either is that strange or is it just me

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Well I expect that place soon to be named simply “Aderyn”

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Does that have to do with her crying for quite a while last night?

More with her packing all her stuff and leaving.

I can live with that! :innocent: :laughing:

i think she was just overwhelmed and stressed and i don’t believe they are a couple.

Of course not
They never were a couple.

@kaya had been told that if there was an “&” the managers would have reported that they were “real” (fake) couples … and with “,” it would be flat-sharing communities …

As always with VHTV, there are of course a few exceptions … :yum:

So are you saying that Eliza & Queen are a real couple also?

I only answer some questions after consulting my lawyer … :joy: :rofl:

It seems that perhaps managers sometimes confuse & and , …

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